How to Exchange Cryptocurrency

      1. Choose a pair and select the best rate
      Start by selecting the cryptocurrencies you wish to exchange. For example, if you want to exchange Hamster Kombat (HMSTR) for TON, choose Hamster Kombat in the 'You send' section and TON in the 'You get' section. Enter the amount you want to exchange, then view the available exchange services and rates. Select the service that best suits your needs and proceed with the exchange. Make sure the networks are correct before proceeding.
      2. Enter the recipient wallet address
      Next, provide the wallet address where you want to receive the exchanged cryptocurrency. Fill in the recipient address field with the correct destination wallet address. If desired, you can also provide a refund address for the cryptocurrency you are sending. Double-check the information and ensure the networks are correct before moving to the next step.
      3. Transfer your funds
      Using the wallet of your choice, transfer the specified amount of cryptocurrency to the address displayed on the screen. You can use the provided QR-code to speed up the process. If you are using wallets like MetaMask, Trezor, or those supported by WalletConnect, you can connect your wallet for an easier transfer. Once the funds are received by our partner, the exchange process will commence.
      4. Receive your coins
      Now, simply wait for the exchange process to complete. The exchanged cryptocurrency will be sent to your provided wallet address. You can check the Swap Tracker for the status of your exchange, and if you encounter any issues, don't hesitate to contact support. That's it!
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